The Future of Dialysis Care – Harnessing hemostatic dialysis bandages for effective vascular management

Dialysis Overview Kidneys help filter waste from the blood, keep body fluids balanced, and produce essential hormones. When kidneys fail due to disease or injury, dialysis becomes a lifesaving treatment. In people with end-stage kidney disease, or kidney failure, dialysis takes over the kidney’s role by removing extra waste and fluid from the blood. When is Dialysis Needed? Dialysis is recommended when a person’s kidney function drops to 10-15%. This typically occurs in the final stage of chronic kidney disease [1]. Dialysis can also be required in cases of acute kidney failure, where the kidneys suddenly lose their ability to function. What is Haemodialysis? Haemodialysis is the most common form of dialysis. It performs the job of the kidneys when they can no longer function properly. This process involves drawing blood from the body, filtering it through a machine called a dialyzer (an artificial kidney), and then returning the cleaned blood back to the body. Haemodialysis help...